Hello Love

Bad Boyfriends be gone.

If Bad boyfriends aren't a virus they sure can act like one. Life is full of them. Bad Boyfriends are anyone or anything that make us question our value and worth. Flip the script, and they prove to be valuable lessons that help us fix our vision and provide us the opportunity to become stronger than before.

It's OK to not be OK.

However, if we stay stuck we will not emerge victorious.  We need to move through the cycle of grief with grace, patience, and intention. 


Our brand has purpose and meaning.

To me, art is more beautiful when it has meaning behind it. It becomes empty if we just sell clothes. I want you to be reminded of WHO you are. Your SOUL, who YOU are, who you were CREATED TO BE, is NOT your thoughts, words spoken over you, your feelings, or your experiences.  YOU were created FULLY LOVED, PERFECT, of HIGH VALUE and WORTHINESS. (if that is a word. :) May your soul live "untethered" and live in TRUTH.

13  The number 13 is often associated with transformation and new beginnings.  It signifies positive growth, emphasizing honesty, kindness, and he power to shape your future.   (Also see, Proverbs 31)

VINI VIDI VICI  "I came, I saw, I conquered," is a latin phrase used to refer to a swift, conclusive victory. Julius Caesar, the ruler of Rome, used the phrase in a letter to the Roman Senate after he achieved a swift, conclusive victory against his enemy. To us, this epitomizes the process of experiencing life, learning our lessons, and capitalizing on the lessons learned.

May you be a HONEY BEE  The lessons we can learn from them...

Teamwork: Honey bee colonies are complex societies that require each member to play a vital role. Bees work together to gather nectar, protect the hive, and ensure the hive's longevity. They communicate through dancing, and they rely on each other, split up tasks, and trust one another. A dissatisfied or weak colony will collapse or swarm.

Focus: Honey bees need to focus single-mindedly on their jobs to keep the ecosystem running smoothly.

Efficiency: Honey bees choose only the best and freshest flowers to collect nectar.

Hard work: Bees are known for being hard-working and sincere.

Planning for the future: Honey bees leave honey flow in the hives to support them during the winter.

Defending against outside forces: Honey bee hives are vulnerable to predators

(Also see, Proverbs 31)